Yunnan Zhongyang photoelectric instrument Co., LTD
Yunnan Zhongyang photoelectric instrument Co., LTD
The integrated technologysuchasultra-lowilluminationCOMS,infrared thermalimager, electroniccompasses, GPS, video compressio
The integrated technology such as ultra-low illumination COMS, infrared thermal imager, electronic compasses, GPS, video compression storage and control are used for the binocular fusion thermal imager (hereinafter referred to the thermal imager), which can be used for tactical reconnaissance day and night, monitoring and identifying camouflage targets. It is characteristic of a small size, convenience in taking and good adaptation to environments. The thermal imager is easy to carry by a single person for front observation, and is also suitable for setting up a fixed observation station for observation, day and night observation, photographing and video recording of targets. It can be widely used in patrol, investigation, law enforcement, anti smuggling, anti drug, forest fire prevention, emergency search and rescue and other occasions.